Monday, October 15, 2012

Dealing With Pesky Bare Patches

We are not talking about the ones that are easy to fix.  Just some new seed a little watering and the lawn is back to looking great.  No, we are talking about the ones that just won’t grow no matter what you try.

A quick note here, there are some traffic areas and paths where your best bet may be some type of paver stones or sidewalk section.  Grass that is constantly trampled will not survive and will need to be replaced by some type of hardscape.  The only other solution would be a barrier that redirects the traffic flow and allows the lawn to recover.

If you have an area with dead grass, it's best to remove the entire patch. Once the patch is removed, fill the area with a good grade topsoil. It also helps to mix some natural fertilizer into the dirt for a good measure of nutrients in the new loose soil.

With the soil prepared, lightly sprinkle the grass seed over the exposed area. Be careful to spread it thoroughly. Lightly rake the area so that only about 5 to 10% of the seeds are visible. Apply a light layer of compost over the area to keep the soil damp and help keep your bird friends away.

Lightly water the seeds every day, multiple times a day if it is warm, sunny or windy. Keep them moist until you see the seeds germinate and begin to root into the soil, then reduce the frequency of watering. Allow your grass to grow and fill in before you mow. Mowing it too early or too short can damage the grass and possibly uproot it.

Use a Seed Pad for a Simple Fix

If you don't want to spend a lot of time fixing up the lawn, there are some great products that incorporate seeds and covering in one easy application. These products work very well because the shredded paper and pulp that is mixed with the seeds is very effective at keeping the ground moist and the birds at bay. The filling is usually colored blue or green so you can easily see if you have the entire area covered.

At Greens Keeper Landscape we want you to know how to take care of your property.  If you don’t want the headache of landscape maintenance we take care of your landscape for you. 

It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help.  To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.

Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC

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