Monday, October 8, 2012

Commercial Landscape Secrets

We have some tips that you can apply to your commercial properties’ landscaping that will create interest and beauty.

Begin your planning by establishing focal points. These can include trees, big shrubs and tall ornamental grasses, as well as structures such as a gazebos, archways, ponds, trellis or statuary. Once these are in place, the rest of your landscaping can fill in around them.

The architectural structure and the landscape should work together in terms of style, scale, colors and materials. Use trees to frame your buildings, not conceal or overwhelm them. Shrubs and flowers should form a welcoming approach to your office entrance. Create foundation plantings that are more than just a line of shrubs around your layout -- try varying levels of plants, deep borders and curves.

Study your landscape at different times of day, from different angles and in different weather conditions. Take pictures to help you remember what it looks like. Learn where the sunlight falls, where the shade pockets are, where the rain pools. Choose plants adapted to your landscape's conditions and your area's hardiness zone.

Always consider your landscaping budget, that includes labor, plants and materials. Even when done by your maintenance staff it may be much more expensive than you think. Do some comparison-shopping at local garden centers, and check prices at online nurseries, too. Create a budget and a priority list if you're not able to afford everything at once.

Make lighting an integral feature of your decks, patios, pathways and other landscape areas. It's not only beautiful; it's important for safety, and it will allow your tenants to enjoy your landscaping past sundown. There are so many types of lighting available, you can find lots of options that meld with your properties’ style.

Almost anything can look good on paper, but a year down the road, cool ideas can become problems areas. Will your staff correctly prune that rose garden or aggressive vines? Can they keep your new fencing painted or sealed and sturdy? Will they clean and maintain your pond or fountain features? Plan plants and features that they know and can handle to keep them looking good and safe for your grounds.

It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help.  To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.

Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC

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