Monday, February 27, 2017

Survey Your Property After A Storm

As soon as possible after a monsoon storm you need to survey your commercial property for storm damage.  This applies to your landscaping as much as it does the physical condition of your structures.

You want to make sure your walkways are clear of debris.  Are there branches or other storm related items on the roof areas.  Are they blocking your gutters?  Will they come crashing down with a gust of gravity or just a breath of moving air?  If you have overhead power lines, is there vegetation laying on them.

Has the storm damaged outdoor furniture so that it is a hazard now?  Are your chairs and loungers damaged to the point they are no longer safe to use?

Do you have standing water that may mean you have to change the run-off patterns for your property?

At Greens Keeper Landscaping we will help with your clean-up as well as landscape changes that can reduce future damage and hazards.  We can help you understand and comply with changes in your run-off and standing water challenges.

While removal of fallen trees is many times the most visible part of storm damage, there are others. Water run-off can be damaging as well. Call 623-848-8277

Our process involves Immediate assessment of your property to identify hazardous areas and help minimize additional damage that the erosion or blockages can cause to landscaping. Controlling run-off and erosion can also be mandated by local regulations.

This means that if you have things we think could be a liability on your property related to the landscape, we will communicate with you.

Following our next valley storm think of Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance for your repairs and property restoration.  Give us a call at 623-848-8277 to see how we can help you.
Do you have a pre-storm plan that will minimize the damage a storm may cause.  You can make plans that the simple moving of items will reduce the damage to them or the damage they can cause if they become airborne.

You have enough to do, let us make sure we take of your greenscape worries and make them vanish like a passing storm.

Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC

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