Monday, January 9, 2017

Did You Make Commercial Property Resolutions For 2017?

Did You Make Commercial Property Resolutions For 2017? And how is that working out for you?

When we talk about New Year’s resolutions most folks are talking about themselves.  They want to improve their body with diet and exercise. They might want to improve their mind by furthering their education or simply by read more and different books or online programs. They might try to improve their finances by spending less or earning more.

But, did you considered New Year’s Resolutions as it relates to your commercial property or your local business? To keep up with or surpass your competitors you must make improvements to your business.  The outward appurtenance is one very big factor.  It goes well beyond paint and includes the complete picture your location presents to the general public.

Your commercial property is a big investment, so from time to time you need to brighten it up, it’s important to choose your renovations carefully. Thankfully, there are many inexpensive improvements you can do to boost the appearance of your business property without spending a lot of money. Plus, the small investment you do make will be quickly offset because the apartments will be rented sooner and possibly for more than what you’re charging now. For a brick and mortar store it can mean improved foot traffic. For your restaurant it can mean more dinners coming to eat your fare.

Of course one way to enhance the appearance of your property is to plant new landscaping. Newly planted trees, shrubs and flowers can have a dramatic effect on your property, and it will give potential renters the image that you care about your investment (which you do!). You may even want to consider a water feature or new hardscaping to pull in even more interest.

As we mentioned one way to improve the look of your commercial property is to give it a fresh paint job. Old, faded paint can make any property look outdated and run down, but a fresh coat of paint will have the opposite effect. When choosing your paint color, choose something neutral and modest. Do you want your property to be too flashy or stick out like a sore thumb on the block?

So if your choice is landscaping you will need a fair company you can trust to keep it looking great year round.  May we ask you to consider Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance?

No matter what you call it, you don’t need to worry about your lawn maintenance. It doesn’t matter to us whether you want desert landscaping, lush lawns or some type of landscaping in between, we can help.  We serve businesses like yours all over the Phoenix Metro Area. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.

Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC

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