Monday, February 22, 2016

How Grass Makes Your Property Look Professional

When it comes to your commercial property, and it really doesn’t matter the type of business, you have competition that is trying to outdo your business. The look of your property makes a difference to your potential and current customers. 

No lawn area or smallest patch of grass that is visible can be overlooked. Spring is a pretty easy season, all things considered. Are you easy to please because we’re just happy that everything is finally greening up again? Things are growing and budding and blooming but they’re still manageable. Even our clients who complain about a lack of a green thumb can make their property look great in spring. Keeping everything looking great all year, though, is another story. Here are some our pro tips that will help.

Cut It Right

Grass is pretty amazing when you stop and think. It takes a lot of abuse, from kids running over it to property owners and pros using whirling steel blades to cut it, and it just keeps on growing. How about giving it a little love? First, you want to make sure to cut your grass at an appropriate height. For most cool season grasses like fescues, that can mean 3-4”. That will help shade out weeds and retain moisture at the roots. Also, keep your blades nice and sharp because dull blades lead to torn, ragged, unhealthy grass that’s prone to disease. A clean cut at the proper height can make a huge difference.

Edging Makes It Complete

As you drive around your business area, you can tell the professionally maintained properties from the rest is by the edging. Does grass spill over the sidewalks and driveway or is there a clean, sharp line between the lawn and the pavement? It is labor intensive.  It’s a lot easier to use a tool like a lithium cordless string trimmer and wheeled edger. The trimmer’s wheels allow you to keep a consistent depth without getting fatigued, and the cordless power means you’re not choking on fumes while you work or accidentally resting your arm on a ripping hot exhaust. When a task is easy and almost fun you’ll do it more often. Edging your property as little as once or twice a month will make your property look crisp and professionally maintained all season long.

Hope that helps, or of course you can give us a call and not have to think about your grass again as we will take care of it for you.

It doesn’t matter to us whether you want commercial desert landscaping, lush lawns or some type of landscaping in between, we can help.  We serve businesses like yours all over the Phoenix Metro Area. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.

Presented By:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC

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