Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Commercial Pool Landscapes and Safety

When you think of pool safety, you might think about fences, no running, and lifeguards on duty. 

However, you also need to consider making sure that your commercial property landscape is safe for your clients as well. 

Plants provide beauty and privacy around a swimming pool. 

They soften the harsh lines of swimming pool equipment and help swimming pools to blend more naturally with the surrounding environment. If you grow plants that are tall enough, they can even form privacy screens around the pool area.

But plants must be chosen wisely. Here are some plants to consider avoiding and some solutions to plants that could cause safety issues.

Fruit Trees and Bushes

Trees with sweet fruits or bushes with berries can make a real mess on your pool deck, But more importantly as you may have already guessed, These plants attract bees. For people who are allergic planting these trees can be a fatal mistake. 

Flowering Plant Varieties 

Flowering plants are nice to look at around a pool, especially if you design with perennials for continuously blooming beds. But as with fruit bearing plants, flowering plants need pollination, which will inevitably end up being bee magnets. 


Roses, Cactus or Aloes are absolutely wonderful plants... to look at. These and many other plants contain thorns. Imagine a client tripping and ending up in a cactus, Yeowch! 

However these can still make good poolside plants, with their drought tolerance and little need for shade. When designing your landscaping consider placing these plants in decorative raised beds 3 to 4 feet off the ground and up against the pool fencing. After that an added layer of protection might be hedge type plants placed two feet in front of the raised beds, a sort of plant security fence. 

Just be mindful of what and where when your landscape goes in and don't be afraid to make changes. After all safety of your clientele is of paramount importance.

You can let Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance do all the work for you and take the burden off your shoulders all together.  Give us a call at 623-848-8277 and let’s talk about it.

Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC

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