Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Water Conservation - Technology

Some days we all feel like we need to escape all of the machines that seem to dominate our time and our lives. Computers can control everything from our home AC unit, our cars and definitely our everyday work lives. However living in an age of technology can help us conserve water.

Though nothing can replace everyday common sense, such as following simple steps to watering wisely, using water-efficient technologies can make a big difference in keeping your irrigation system running efficiently without a lot of effort on your part. The following are some suggested Technologies to making your landscaping water savvy.

WaterSense Labeled Irrigation Controllers
WaterSense labels weather-based irrigation controllers, a type of "smart" irrigation control technology that uses local weather data to determine when and how much to water. WaterSense labeled irrigation controllers can save you water, time, and money when compared to standard models.

Soil Moisture Sensors
Soil moisture–based control technologies water plants based on their needs by measuring the amount of moisture in the soil and tailoring the irrigation schedule accordingly. WaterSense has issued a Notice of Intent to label soil moisture–based control technologies.

Rainfall Shutoff Devices
Though the desert doesn't get much rain, this device might be the most important for your landscaping, especially if you have plants that are native to the desert and do not need to consume much water. Rainfall shutoff devices turn off your system in rainy weather and help compensate for natural rainfall. This inexpensive device can be retrofitted to almost any system.

Rain Sensors
This is another smart Technology for desert properties. Rain sensors can help decrease water wasted in the landscape by turning off the irrigation system when it is raining.

Sprinkler Heads
Certain types of sprinkler heads apply water more efficiently than others. Rotary spray heads deliver water in a thicker stream than mist spray heads, ensuring more water reaches plants and less is lost to evaporation and wind. WaterSense has issued a Notice of Intent to label landscape irrigation sprinklers.

Micro–irrigation or drip systems are generally more efficient than conventional sprinklers, because they deliver low volumes of water directly to plants' roots, minimizing losses to wind, runoff, evaporation, or overspray Drip irrigations systems use 20 to 50 percent less water than conventional pop-up sprinkler systems and can save up to 30,000 gallons per year. Consider installing drip around trees, shrubs, and gardens in place of a conventional sprinkler system. 

To find out what options are best for updating your irrigation system, consult our landscaping professionals.

You are already busy enough, let Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC take the watering and landscaping worries of your commercial property off your mind.  To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.

Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC

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