Friday, September 14, 2012

Commercial Landscaping Ideas; Annuals and Evergreens

When it comes to commercial landscaping ideas, our experience is there are many different and unique concerns than there are with the home backyard garden. There are several different ways to handle the commercial landscape:  Here is a couple to think about for next Spring.

You get far more bang for your buck with less work with annuals than you do with a perennial garden.

In the spring, till your planting areas. Plant your annual flowers - for the ease of gardening, use impatiens if in the shade and seed-geraniums (make sure they're seed-geraniums not the big doubles) or Petunias in the sunshine. Spread 30 to 50 pounds of mulch per 1,000 square feet of garden area, onto the surface. This will act as a weed deterrent. Water the entire planting area thoroughly.

Once a month give the annual flowers a shot of liquid fertilizer (read the label for recommended rates) to keep them growing strongly. Note the petunias require this feeding to keep growing strongly.

Advantages and Disadvantages
Lots of color. Relatively inexpensive for the color. Less work than perennials but there is still some weeding to be done through the season. These recommended annuals self-prune their flowers (the flower petals fall off the plant instead of rotting) and petunias are self-cleaning with no further work. The seed geraniums will require a snapping off of the dead flower stalks every two weeks. The disadvantage is they have to be purchased every year.

Shrubs and Evergreens
The easiest to maintain for commercial landscaping but far and away the most expensive to install are evergreens and shrubs.

Make sure they Are planted at the correct distances for the varieties and mulch the area afterwards with at least 3-inches of mulch. (4-inches is ideal). Shrubs are often recommended but these can take up pruning time once a year when they are mature or they can look overgrown.

Every fall, top up the mulch to stop the weeds from becoming established. This is your ongoing cost along with a few hours of weed pulling (no chemical is 100% effective at stopping weeds).

Some landscapers recommend putting landscape fabric down to prevent weeds from growing up around the plants. If you ever decide to change the landscape or add annuals or bulbs to the mix, there's even more labor involved here.

Advantages and Disadvantages
The largest advantage is the lack of labor to maintain this kind of bed over the years and the "formal" established look it gives the building. The disadvantage is the higher initial cost to purchase the evergreens and plant them

Or you can let Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance do all the work for you and take the burden off your shoulders all together.  Give us a call at 623-848-8277 and let’s talk about it.

Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC

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