Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Weeds 1,001 Lawn Tips - Just Kidding

Okay not really but you have to admit it is a catchy headline. We hope you find the list below helpful for your commercial lawn maintenance.

You can mulch with any mower with a sharp blade.

There are always the old-time reel mowers -- powered by sweat -- and some people are out there pushing them. They actually do a better job on short grass than the typical rotary mowers.

A gas powered weed-whacker has the same level of pollution per hour as a modern car driving more than 150 miles. While an electric one emits no local pollution it does need to get power from a power plant somewhere.

Invasive non-native plants are a serious threat to native species, communities, and ecosystems in many areas around the world.  They can compete with and displace native plants, animals, and other organisms that depend on them, alter ecosystem functions and cycles significantly, hybridize with native species, and promote other invaders.  The good news is that many plant invasions can be reversed, halted or slowed, and in certain situations, even badly infested areas can be restored to healthy systems dominated by native species.

Manual and mechanical techniques such as pulling, cutting, and otherwise damaging plants, may be used to control some invasive plants, particularly if the population is relatively small. These techniques can be extremely specific, minimizing damage to desirable plants and animals, but they are generally labor and time intensive.  Treatments must typically be administered several times to prevent the weed from reestablishing, and in the process, laborers and machines may severely trample vegetation and disturb soil, providing prime conditions for reinvasion by the same or other invasive species. 

Mowing and cutting can reduce seed production and restrict weed growth, especially in annuals cut before they flower and set seed.  Some species however, re-sprout vigorously when cut, replacing one or a few stems with many that can quickly flower and set seed.  For example, yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) can be controlled by mowing at the onset of flowering (when approximately 2 to 5% of the seed heads are flowering), but if mowed earlier, native species are negatively impacted and yellow starthistle is able to re-sprout.  Be sure to consider the biology of the weed before cutting.

No matter what you call it, you don’t need to worry about your lawn maintenance. It doesn’t matter to us whether you want desert landscaping, lush lawns or some type of landscaping in between, we can help.  We serve businesses like yours all over the Phoenix Metro Area. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.

Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC

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