Thursday, June 28, 2012

Saving Money with Native Plants and Desert Landscaping

If you have a commercial property and are looking at the cost or costs associated with different styles of landscaping you should know that one of the most efficient styles (cost wise) is a desert landscape that uses local native plants.

Compared purely by square footage it will cost far less to maintain that style of landscape versus any type that use a grass based groundcover and non-native trees.

The reason is very simple, water use.  You will save thousands of gallons of water every day.  That can up to thousands of dollars in yearly savings.

While the look of desert landscaping can vary it does mean you have to like or accept that fundamental look that is a desert landscape.  They can be colorful and very pleasant to the eye.

Desert landscaping is a great way to conserve water without sacrificing the beauty of your property.

The basic philosophy of desert landscaping is choosing combinations of native, drought-tolerant plants to create an attractive landscape that uses very little water. This type of landscaping is most common in the desert Southwest where water is at a premium.

Some desert landscapes forgo grass in the lawn and replace it with colorful pebbles, sand or colorful blooming spring plants and cacti, although the landscape doesn’t necessarily need to look like a desert to be water efficient.

You still have to provide water to the plants and ground cover but at a rate that is far less than grasses and trees.

The best type of irrigation for desert plants is a drip irrigation system. Drip lines lose little water to evaporation and run-off. While designing your irrigation plan think about grouping plants according to irrigation needs. This process, called zoning, designates areas for plants that will need more water, and areas for plants that will need less water. Some areas of the zone will require no water at all.  Zoning reduces wasting water on plants that are hardy and need little or no water to survive in the desert.

No matter what style of landscaping you are using let Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance give you a quote to solve your landscape problems.  We are as close as your phone 623-848-8277.

Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC

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