We are a service oriented family owned business specializing in commercial landscape maintenance.
While our normal hours of operations are from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM we offer 24/7 service and Storm Damage Clean-up as needed by our customers.
We keep our overhead low and pass the savings on to our customers. We provide high quality service and pride ourselves on our open communication practices.
Our hourly rate is $26 per hour. Our special project rate, including sprinkler repairs, is $30. We offer convenient payment terms of 2/10 net 30.
All of our vehicles are clearly marked and all of our employees are in uniform for easy identification. Many of the small unexpected things that other companies charge for, we include.
If there are minor sprinkler repairs that are needed, most of them are also included (no charge). We accomplish this by providing an allowance for sprinkler heads, drip emitters, shrub heads, and repairs to lateral lines and drip lines. The only sprinkler issues that we would have to charge for would be main line repairs, valves & timers. And we always get these pre approved by our customers.
Unlike other companies we don't mark-up inventory, whenever possible. Another one of our popular services is safety and visibility trimming at no extra charge. This means that if you have things we think could be a liability on your property related to the landscape, we will communicate with you and work together to resolve these issues before they cause an accident or damage vehicles or buildings. If there is vegetation blocking the view of signs or safe passage in and out of the parking lot, trees blocking safety lighting, we will keep those items at their smallest manageable size (no charge).
We don't charge anything for the installation of winter lawns. This means you do not pay anything for scalping and removal of summer lawn, sprinkler tune up, and top dressing where needed. And the seed is provided at the market price. We also offer a full range of tree trimming options for our customers including emergency storm damage clean up and tree removal. Lawn fertilizer is done quarterly for the price of fertilizer only.
We will strive to keep your landscape safe, clean and beautiful. At the same time keeping your costs as low as possible.
We meet or exceed the highest insurance standards, with $2,000,000 business liability, $1,000,000 commercial auto, and $1,000,000 workman's comp. And we can list you (the customer) as additional insured at no extra charge.
We can Help! Please contact us at; Sales: 623-848-8277 We serve the entire Phoenix Metro Area.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Crushed Rock or Gravel Landscaping
Incorporating crushed rock into your commercial property landscaping design will reduce the amount of water needed to maintain what would otherwise be grass. In an area where grass does not grow well, crushed rock can be incorporated to create a whole new outdoor space, like a courtyard or patio. Spruce up your picnic area with a crushed-rock pathway, or cover any dirt only area with gravel for a relatively easy-to-maintain, yet updated, appearance.
We sure hope if you are looking for help with your landscape maintenance needs you will take the time to give us a call at 623-484-8277.
These hardscape materials come in many sizes and colors and these differences can be used in creating very creative looks and designs.
Crushed rock or small gravel is usually delivered by the dump truck load. Your staff will need to use wheelbarrows to move smaller loads to your work areas.
A crushed rock courtyard is an especially good choice for an area where grass doesn't grow well or where there isn't enough sunlight to support a full garden. You need to clear the area before putting down the rock. If there is little sunlight to begin with, simply go over the entire area with a garden rake and remove whatever grass is growing. Tamp down the dirt. To kill any remaining grass, lay down sheets of landscape fabric and wet it with the hose. Outline the courtyard with plastic edging to keep the rock in-place. Put down the crushed rock and even it out with a rake, tamping it down to secure the rock.
Create a truly special outdoor space by planting shade-loving plants and groundcovers beyond the edge of the rock. A warmer climate like Phoenix, will support fragrant gardenias; gardenias love warm shady spots. Lay flagstones in one part of the courtyard before installing benches or small tables and chairs.
Let Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance do all the work for you and take the burden off your shoulders all together. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 and let’s talk about it.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
We sure hope if you are looking for help with your landscape maintenance needs you will take the time to give us a call at 623-484-8277.
These hardscape materials come in many sizes and colors and these differences can be used in creating very creative looks and designs.
Crushed rock or small gravel is usually delivered by the dump truck load. Your staff will need to use wheelbarrows to move smaller loads to your work areas.
A crushed rock courtyard is an especially good choice for an area where grass doesn't grow well or where there isn't enough sunlight to support a full garden. You need to clear the area before putting down the rock. If there is little sunlight to begin with, simply go over the entire area with a garden rake and remove whatever grass is growing. Tamp down the dirt. To kill any remaining grass, lay down sheets of landscape fabric and wet it with the hose. Outline the courtyard with plastic edging to keep the rock in-place. Put down the crushed rock and even it out with a rake, tamping it down to secure the rock.
Create a truly special outdoor space by planting shade-loving plants and groundcovers beyond the edge of the rock. A warmer climate like Phoenix, will support fragrant gardenias; gardenias love warm shady spots. Lay flagstones in one part of the courtyard before installing benches or small tables and chairs.
Let Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance do all the work for you and take the burden off your shoulders all together. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 and let’s talk about it.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Unique To Arizona Winter and Summer Lawns
It may seem too early to start talking about winter lawns but this is in the planning stages.
Your commercial property can have green grass all year long in Phoenix, even though the winter and summer climates are very different.
Having year-round green lawns is accomplished by growing Bermuda grass in summer and Rye grass in winter. The low rainfall amounts in the area means that your lawn will consume relatively large amounts of water, an accurate understanding and application of how much water the grass really needs will minimize overall usage.
Bermuda grass is the choice in summer. Bermuda grass can endure the desert's hottest weather as long as it has sufficient water. During winter it is dormant, meaning that it is yellow and appears dead. However, below the surface it is alive and waiting for warmer weather. Bermuda usually starts to slow down and go dormant in September and starts growing again in May. This life cycle makes it so Bermuda does not have to be replanted each year. Therefore, if a winter lawn is desired, it can be planted over the dormant Bermuda. When high afternoon temperatures start to kill the winter lawn, in May, the Bermuda grass takes over again.
Bermuda grass only needs to be planted once, subsequent summers will involve the Bermuda coming out of dormancy. It will come in more fully and rapidly if the Ryegrass is allowed to dry out in early May. Normally two weeks without water is sufficient to kill the ryegrass. After the Ryegrass has turned brown, resume watering to encourage the Bermuda to recover from its dormant time.
The best time, in the Phoenix area, to plant the Rye is from early to middle October. Plant too early and the sun can bake the seedlings. Remember, if the weather is still hot the Bermuda is still growing and will compete with the Rye seedlings. Plant too late and germination is slow because the weather isn't warm enough. So, there is a relatively small window of opportunity.
So late August is the best time to start planning what you want to do with your commercial properties’ lawn.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Your commercial property can have green grass all year long in Phoenix, even though the winter and summer climates are very different.
Having year-round green lawns is accomplished by growing Bermuda grass in summer and Rye grass in winter. The low rainfall amounts in the area means that your lawn will consume relatively large amounts of water, an accurate understanding and application of how much water the grass really needs will minimize overall usage.
Bermuda grass is the choice in summer. Bermuda grass can endure the desert's hottest weather as long as it has sufficient water. During winter it is dormant, meaning that it is yellow and appears dead. However, below the surface it is alive and waiting for warmer weather. Bermuda usually starts to slow down and go dormant in September and starts growing again in May. This life cycle makes it so Bermuda does not have to be replanted each year. Therefore, if a winter lawn is desired, it can be planted over the dormant Bermuda. When high afternoon temperatures start to kill the winter lawn, in May, the Bermuda grass takes over again.
Bermuda grass only needs to be planted once, subsequent summers will involve the Bermuda coming out of dormancy. It will come in more fully and rapidly if the Ryegrass is allowed to dry out in early May. Normally two weeks without water is sufficient to kill the ryegrass. After the Ryegrass has turned brown, resume watering to encourage the Bermuda to recover from its dormant time.
The best time, in the Phoenix area, to plant the Rye is from early to middle October. Plant too early and the sun can bake the seedlings. Remember, if the weather is still hot the Bermuda is still growing and will compete with the Rye seedlings. Plant too late and germination is slow because the weather isn't warm enough. So, there is a relatively small window of opportunity.
So late August is the best time to start planning what you want to do with your commercial properties’ lawn.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Is Your Commercial Property Mosquito Friendly?
West Nile Virus is in the news these days. What can you do as a property manager or owner to protect yourself and your tenants from Mosquitoes?
Empty or clean out all water-holding containers on your property (bird baths, tires, cans, rain barrels, wading pools) - 1 small can of water can hold as many as 10,000 mosquito larvae.
If you have ponds you can stock them with fish, like koi and they will eat the larvae.
Keep ornamental ponds free of weeds, cattails, or other aquatic vegetation. Use pumps and filters to keep the water moving and clean.
Keep your gutters cleaned. Don’t let water stand on your flat roofs.
Adult mosquitoes are most active at dawn and for about an hour after dusk. Plan outdoor activities during warmer daylight hours or later in the evening to avoid adult biting mosquitoes.
Keep your grass mowed as short as possible.
Cut back dense vegetation on your property; this is where mosquitoes hide during the day.
Keep ornamental shrubs and bushes pruned to allow more light and air to flow through them.
Keep irrigation inlets free-flowing and clear of vegetation and debris.
Repair ditches to reduce seepage.
Minimize standing water to less than three days during irrigation.
Vaccinate horses for Western Equine Encephalitis.
Let Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance do all the work for you and take the burden off your shoulders all together. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 and let’s talk about it.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Empty or clean out all water-holding containers on your property (bird baths, tires, cans, rain barrels, wading pools) - 1 small can of water can hold as many as 10,000 mosquito larvae.
If you have ponds you can stock them with fish, like koi and they will eat the larvae.
Keep ornamental ponds free of weeds, cattails, or other aquatic vegetation. Use pumps and filters to keep the water moving and clean.
Keep your gutters cleaned. Don’t let water stand on your flat roofs.
Adult mosquitoes are most active at dawn and for about an hour after dusk. Plan outdoor activities during warmer daylight hours or later in the evening to avoid adult biting mosquitoes.
Keep your grass mowed as short as possible.
Cut back dense vegetation on your property; this is where mosquitoes hide during the day.
Keep ornamental shrubs and bushes pruned to allow more light and air to flow through them.
Keep irrigation inlets free-flowing and clear of vegetation and debris.
Repair ditches to reduce seepage.
Minimize standing water to less than three days during irrigation.
Vaccinate horses for Western Equine Encephalitis.
Let Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance do all the work for you and take the burden off your shoulders all together. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 and let’s talk about it.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Monday, August 27, 2012
Backpack Blowers Noise Affects Your Tenants
Many times you know your lawn maintenance is almost done when the backpack blowers begin howling outside your office.
Have you ever had a tenant complain that they are a day sleeper and don’t appreciate being jarred from their bed during the middle of their sleep cycle by the maintenance work?
Keep in mind that all backpack blowers are not created equal. The noise level comes from different parts of the blower. How quiet the gas motor is and how well designed the actual fan and tube of the blower is. These two can combine to be as much as 20 decibels higher or lower.
Some blowers are very shrill in their sound. Others have a deeper, lower tone. Even though the actual sound level may be similar the lower tone will be perceived as quieter.
Older blowers tend to be twice as noisy as the newer versions and many property owners are unaware that they are “certified” low noise blowers available. The low noise blowers are designed to perform well in noise-sensitive environments.
The Echo company has been the leader in the effort to provide environmentally friendly leaf blowers. Today, Echo's "Quiet 1" is the benchmark to which all other manufacturers compare their new leaf blowers. It was the very first quiet leaf blower at 65 dB(A)1, which has been on the market for more than 15 years. The design contains sound absorbing materials that have eliminated the whine typical of older blowers. A new concept muffler was introduced to lessen exhaust sounds and a patented sound attenuator was added to the air intake system. Even special plastics were employed to deaden any rattle that might be caused by engine vibration. The air impeller (fan) and cowling were redesigned to reduce airflow sound while maintaining top efficiency and performance.
You can let Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance do all the work for you and take the burden off your shoulders all together. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 and let’s talk about it.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Have you ever had a tenant complain that they are a day sleeper and don’t appreciate being jarred from their bed during the middle of their sleep cycle by the maintenance work?
Keep in mind that all backpack blowers are not created equal. The noise level comes from different parts of the blower. How quiet the gas motor is and how well designed the actual fan and tube of the blower is. These two can combine to be as much as 20 decibels higher or lower.
Some blowers are very shrill in their sound. Others have a deeper, lower tone. Even though the actual sound level may be similar the lower tone will be perceived as quieter.
Older blowers tend to be twice as noisy as the newer versions and many property owners are unaware that they are “certified” low noise blowers available. The low noise blowers are designed to perform well in noise-sensitive environments.
The Echo company has been the leader in the effort to provide environmentally friendly leaf blowers. Today, Echo's "Quiet 1" is the benchmark to which all other manufacturers compare their new leaf blowers. It was the very first quiet leaf blower at 65 dB(A)1, which has been on the market for more than 15 years. The design contains sound absorbing materials that have eliminated the whine typical of older blowers. A new concept muffler was introduced to lessen exhaust sounds and a patented sound attenuator was added to the air intake system. Even special plastics were employed to deaden any rattle that might be caused by engine vibration. The air impeller (fan) and cowling were redesigned to reduce airflow sound while maintaining top efficiency and performance.
You can let Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance do all the work for you and take the burden off your shoulders all together. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 and let’s talk about it.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Friday, August 24, 2012
Why Choose Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance For Your Property?
We are a service oriented family owned business specializing in commercial landscape maintenance.
While our normal hours of operations are from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM we offer 24/7 service and Storm Damage Clean-up as needed by our customers.
We keep our overhead low and pass the savings on to our customers. We provide high quality service and pride ourselves on our open communication practices.
Our hourly rate is $26 per hour. Our special project rate, including sprinkler repairs, is $30. We offer convenient payment terms of 2/10 net 30.
All of our vehicles are clearly marked and all of our employees are in uniform for easy identification. Many of the small unexpected things that other companies charge for, we include.
If there are minor sprinkler repairs that are needed, most of them are also included (no charge). We accomplish this by providing an allowance for sprinkler heads, drip emitters, shrub heads, and repairs to lateral lines and drip lines. The only sprinkler issues that we would have to charge for would be main line repairs, valves & timers. And we always get these pre approved by our customers.
Unlike other companies we don't mark-up inventory, whenever possible. Another one of our popular services is safety and visibility trimming at no extra charge. This means that if you have things we think could be a liability on your property related to the landscape, we will communicate with you and work together to resolve these issues before they cause an accident or damage vehicles or buildings. If there is vegetation blocking the view of signs or safe passage in and out of the parking lot, trees blocking safety lighting, we will keep those items at their smallest manageable size (no charge).
We don't charge anything for the installation of winter lawns. This means you do not pay anything for scalping and removal of summer lawn, sprinkler tune up, and top dressing where needed. And the seed is provided at the market price. We also offer a full range of tree trimming options for our customers including emergency storm damage clean up and tree removal. Lawn fertilizer is done quarterly for the price of fertilizer only.
We will strive to keep your landscape safe, clean and beautiful. At the same time keeping your costs as low as possible.
We meet or exceed the highest insurance standards, with $2,000,000 business liability, $1,000,000 commercial auto, and $1,000,000 workman's comp. And we can list you (the customer) as additional insured at no extra charge.
We can Help! Please contact us at; Sales: 623-848-8277 We serve the entire Phoenix Metro Area.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
While our normal hours of operations are from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM we offer 24/7 service and Storm Damage Clean-up as needed by our customers.
We keep our overhead low and pass the savings on to our customers. We provide high quality service and pride ourselves on our open communication practices.
Our hourly rate is $26 per hour. Our special project rate, including sprinkler repairs, is $30. We offer convenient payment terms of 2/10 net 30.
All of our vehicles are clearly marked and all of our employees are in uniform for easy identification. Many of the small unexpected things that other companies charge for, we include.
If there are minor sprinkler repairs that are needed, most of them are also included (no charge). We accomplish this by providing an allowance for sprinkler heads, drip emitters, shrub heads, and repairs to lateral lines and drip lines. The only sprinkler issues that we would have to charge for would be main line repairs, valves & timers. And we always get these pre approved by our customers.
Unlike other companies we don't mark-up inventory, whenever possible. Another one of our popular services is safety and visibility trimming at no extra charge. This means that if you have things we think could be a liability on your property related to the landscape, we will communicate with you and work together to resolve these issues before they cause an accident or damage vehicles or buildings. If there is vegetation blocking the view of signs or safe passage in and out of the parking lot, trees blocking safety lighting, we will keep those items at their smallest manageable size (no charge).
We don't charge anything for the installation of winter lawns. This means you do not pay anything for scalping and removal of summer lawn, sprinkler tune up, and top dressing where needed. And the seed is provided at the market price. We also offer a full range of tree trimming options for our customers including emergency storm damage clean up and tree removal. Lawn fertilizer is done quarterly for the price of fertilizer only.
We will strive to keep your landscape safe, clean and beautiful. At the same time keeping your costs as low as possible.
We meet or exceed the highest insurance standards, with $2,000,000 business liability, $1,000,000 commercial auto, and $1,000,000 workman's comp. And we can list you (the customer) as additional insured at no extra charge.
We can Help! Please contact us at; Sales: 623-848-8277 We serve the entire Phoenix Metro Area.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Thursday, August 23, 2012
West Valley Feels The August Monsoon Storms
While driving around the West Valley (Phoenix Metro Area) today I sure saw lots of damaged trees and commercial properties. Between the trees and storm debris it seemed that most properties were going to be in need of clean up and repair.
I just wanted to take a minute and remind you that Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance offers more than just the maintenance of the look of the landscape of your property. We offer clean-up and haul-away services that can get the storm damage restoration underway as soon as possible.
Our crews will arrive on site and begin working to minimize your properties' damage.
We have more than fifteen years of experience in helping business owners recover from unexpected events, storm and water damage.
We will work directly with you or with your insurance company, that is your decision.
While removal of fallen trees is many times the most visible part of storm damage, there are others. Water run-off can be damaging as well. Call 623-848-8277
Our process involves Immediate assessment of your property to identify hazardous areas and help minimize additional damage that the erosion or blockages can cause to landscaping. Controlling run-off and erosion can also be mandated by local regulations.
This means that if you have things we think could be a liability on your property related to the landscape, we will communicate with you.
Following our next valley storm think of Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance for your repairs and property restoration. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 to see how we can help you.
Need help maintaining or reinvigorating your properties landscape? Give Greens Keeper a call at 623-848-8277 and see how we can help.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
I just wanted to take a minute and remind you that Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance offers more than just the maintenance of the look of the landscape of your property. We offer clean-up and haul-away services that can get the storm damage restoration underway as soon as possible.
Our crews will arrive on site and begin working to minimize your properties' damage.
We have more than fifteen years of experience in helping business owners recover from unexpected events, storm and water damage.
We will work directly with you or with your insurance company, that is your decision.
While removal of fallen trees is many times the most visible part of storm damage, there are others. Water run-off can be damaging as well. Call 623-848-8277
Our process involves Immediate assessment of your property to identify hazardous areas and help minimize additional damage that the erosion or blockages can cause to landscaping. Controlling run-off and erosion can also be mandated by local regulations.
This means that if you have things we think could be a liability on your property related to the landscape, we will communicate with you.
Following our next valley storm think of Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance for your repairs and property restoration. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 to see how we can help you.
Need help maintaining or reinvigorating your properties landscape? Give Greens Keeper a call at 623-848-8277 and see how we can help.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Monsoon Rains, Too Much Rain and Lawn Health
The month of August can marks the peak of the monsoon rains in Arizona. With many inches of rain falling in a few days, this is great news for replenishing thirsty lakes and underground water reservoirs. But surprisingly, it could be very bad news for the lawn of your commercial property, especially if your automatic sprinkler system is still operating routinely.
When you walk across your properties lawn is it soft, spongy, "squishy," and water-soaked? If so, your lawn is probably suffering from too much water. Excessive water promotes rapid growth of weeds such as sedge and dollar weed, fungus, and root rot. Shrubs can get leaf spot, die back, and suffer root decline. Lawns without good drainage become soft and muddy, especially in drainage swales between homes.
We can't do much about the rainy season, but we can manage our sprinkler systems so as to not add to the problem of too much water. The following tips are a few practical ideas to help prevent over-watering your lawn.
During an active rainy season, just turn the irrigation controller off until several sunny, rain-free days pass. When you notice dry conditions in your lawn, temporarily switch the controller to automatic.
You can also install a rain sensor irrigation shut-off switch to prevent your automatic irrigation system from operating during and after a rainfall. One can be bought for as little as $25, anywhere irrigation supplies are sold, or an irrigation contractor can install one for you. It will pay for itself! Research has shown they will save 17 to 24 percent of your irrigation water. If you already have one, check to see that it is adjusted to the 1/2 inch setting and test it to verify it will stop irrigation if water is poured over it.
Don’t let over watering or monsoon rains lead to a lawn disease that will lead to an unsightly property.
More importantly you can let Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance do all the work for you and take the burden off your shoulders all together. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 and let’s talk about it.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
When you walk across your properties lawn is it soft, spongy, "squishy," and water-soaked? If so, your lawn is probably suffering from too much water. Excessive water promotes rapid growth of weeds such as sedge and dollar weed, fungus, and root rot. Shrubs can get leaf spot, die back, and suffer root decline. Lawns without good drainage become soft and muddy, especially in drainage swales between homes.
We can't do much about the rainy season, but we can manage our sprinkler systems so as to not add to the problem of too much water. The following tips are a few practical ideas to help prevent over-watering your lawn.
During an active rainy season, just turn the irrigation controller off until several sunny, rain-free days pass. When you notice dry conditions in your lawn, temporarily switch the controller to automatic.
You can also install a rain sensor irrigation shut-off switch to prevent your automatic irrigation system from operating during and after a rainfall. One can be bought for as little as $25, anywhere irrigation supplies are sold, or an irrigation contractor can install one for you. It will pay for itself! Research has shown they will save 17 to 24 percent of your irrigation water. If you already have one, check to see that it is adjusted to the 1/2 inch setting and test it to verify it will stop irrigation if water is poured over it.
Don’t let over watering or monsoon rains lead to a lawn disease that will lead to an unsightly property.
More importantly you can let Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance do all the work for you and take the burden off your shoulders all together. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 and let’s talk about it.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
August Monsoon Storm Damage
If you have been in Arizona for any length of time you know that during July and August we have monsoon storms that can result in property damage. Of course, you want to get your property damage repaired as soon as possible. This goes well beyond just the aesthetics of how the property looks. You want to make sure your property is safe. You want to make sure that debris doesn’t cause even more damage and flooding on your property or to your neighbors.
On Monday August 20th the East Valley in the Mesa area was hit by high winds and large rainfall amounts, with damage to trees, roofs and properties.
We offer more than just the look of the landscape of properties. We offer clean-up and haul-away services that can get the storm damage restoration underway as soon as possible.
Our crews will arrive on site and begin working to minimize your properties' damage.
We have more than fifteen years of experience in helping business owners recover from unexpected events, storm and water damage.
We will work directly for you or with your insurance company, you decide.
While removal of fallen trees is many times the most visible part of storm damage, there are others. Water run-off can be damaging as well. Call 623-848-8277
Our process involves Immediate assessment of your property to identify hazardous areas and help minimize additional damage that the erosion or blockages can cause to landscaping. Controlling run-off and erosion can also be mandated by local regulations.
This means that if you have things we think could be a liability on your property related to the landscape, we will communicate with you.
Following our next valley storm think of Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance for your repairs and property restoration. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 to see how we can help you.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
On Monday August 20th the East Valley in the Mesa area was hit by high winds and large rainfall amounts, with damage to trees, roofs and properties.
We offer more than just the look of the landscape of properties. We offer clean-up and haul-away services that can get the storm damage restoration underway as soon as possible.
Our crews will arrive on site and begin working to minimize your properties' damage.
We have more than fifteen years of experience in helping business owners recover from unexpected events, storm and water damage.
We will work directly for you or with your insurance company, you decide.
While removal of fallen trees is many times the most visible part of storm damage, there are others. Water run-off can be damaging as well. Call 623-848-8277
Our process involves Immediate assessment of your property to identify hazardous areas and help minimize additional damage that the erosion or blockages can cause to landscaping. Controlling run-off and erosion can also be mandated by local regulations.
This means that if you have things we think could be a liability on your property related to the landscape, we will communicate with you.
Following our next valley storm think of Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance for your repairs and property restoration. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 to see how we can help you.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Monday, August 20, 2012
When Out-sourcing Is A Good Idea
So, what is out-sourcing? Out-sourcing is contracting with another company or person to do a particular function. Almost every organization out-sources in some way. Typically, the function being outsourced is considered non-core to the business. An insurance company, for example, might outsource its janitorial and landscaping operations to firms that specialize in those types of work since they are not related to insurance or strategic to the business. The outside firms that are providing the outsourcing services are third-party providers, or as they are more commonly called, service providers.
Although outsourcing has been around as long as work specialization has existed, in recent history, companies began employing the outsourcing model to carry out narrow functions, such as payroll, billing and data entry. Those processes could be done more efficiently, and therefore more cost-effectively, by other companies with specialized tools and facilities and specially trained personnel.
Out-sourcing gets a bad rap from time-to-time, sometimes rightly so. We have all been on hold for a long time and then when it is finally our time to be helped we are answered by a person who barely speaks English and the connection is terrible. Yes, that type of out-sourcing makes no sense at all.
There are times when out-sourcing makes perfect sense. When it comes to landscaping your commercial property is one ideal example.
Out-sourcing Your Landscaping
When you outsource your landscaping, all of the additional costs are covered by the company you choose to outsource to. The cost of any breakdowns or supplies are taken care of by Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance so that you can free up capital for use in other areas. How could you use the savings from a 100% tax deductible landscaping service to benefit your business?
All staff management issues such as training, health and safety, dispute resolution and employee leave is all covered by Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance. All our employees undertake the necessary health and safety training, and are skilled in a range of activities, from diggers to mowers, planting to heavy lifting. Imagine how you could use the time and money saved by avoiding these issues to benefit your business!
At Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance we have an even better idea, let us do the work and worrying about your landscape needs.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Although outsourcing has been around as long as work specialization has existed, in recent history, companies began employing the outsourcing model to carry out narrow functions, such as payroll, billing and data entry. Those processes could be done more efficiently, and therefore more cost-effectively, by other companies with specialized tools and facilities and specially trained personnel.
Out-sourcing gets a bad rap from time-to-time, sometimes rightly so. We have all been on hold for a long time and then when it is finally our time to be helped we are answered by a person who barely speaks English and the connection is terrible. Yes, that type of out-sourcing makes no sense at all.
There are times when out-sourcing makes perfect sense. When it comes to landscaping your commercial property is one ideal example.
Out-sourcing Your Landscaping
When you outsource your landscaping, all of the additional costs are covered by the company you choose to outsource to. The cost of any breakdowns or supplies are taken care of by Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance so that you can free up capital for use in other areas. How could you use the savings from a 100% tax deductible landscaping service to benefit your business?
All staff management issues such as training, health and safety, dispute resolution and employee leave is all covered by Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance. All our employees undertake the necessary health and safety training, and are skilled in a range of activities, from diggers to mowers, planting to heavy lifting. Imagine how you could use the time and money saved by avoiding these issues to benefit your business!
At Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance we have an even better idea, let us do the work and worrying about your landscape needs.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Friday, August 17, 2012
Why Choose Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance For Your Property?
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While our normal hours of operations are from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM we offer 24/7 service and Storm Damage Clean-up as needed by our customers.
We keep our overhead low and pass the savings on to our customers. We provide high quality service and pride ourselves on our open communication practices.
Our hourly rate is $26 per hour. Our special project rate, including sprinkler repairs, is $30. We offer convenient payment terms of 2/10 net 30.
All of our vehicles are clearly marked and all of our employees are in uniform for easy identification. Many of the small unexpected things that other companies charge for, we include.
If there are minor sprinkler repairs that are needed, most of them are also included (no charge). We accomplish this by providing an allowance for sprinkler heads, drip emitters, shrub heads, and repairs to lateral lines and drip lines. The only sprinkler issues that we would have to charge for would be main line repairs, valves & timers. And we always get these pre approved by our customers.
Unlike other companies we don't mark-up inventory, whenever possible. Another one of our popular services is safety and visibility trimming at no extra charge. This means that if you have things we think could be a liability on your property related to the landscape, we will communicate with you and work together to resolve these issues before they cause an accident or damage vehicles or buildings. If there is vegetation blocking the view of signs or safe passage in and out of the parking lot, trees blocking safety lighting, we will keep those items at their smallest manageable size (no charge).
We don't charge anything for the installation of winter lawns. This means you do not pay anything for scalping and removal of summer lawn, sprinkler tune up, and top dressing where needed. And the seed is provided at the market price. We also offer a full range of tree trimming options for our customers including emergency storm damage clean up and tree removal. Lawn fertilizer is done quarterly for the price of fertilizer only.
We will strive to keep your landscape safe, clean and beautiful. At the same time keeping your costs as low as possible.
We meet or exceed the highest insurance standards, with $2,000,000 business liability, $1,000,000 commercial auto, and $1,000,000 workman's comp. And we can list you (the customer) as additional insured at no extra charge.
We can Help! Please contact us at; Sales: 623-848-8277 We serve the entire Phoenix Metro Area.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Finding The Right Employee Challenge
Most employers have one common complaint. It is very hard, if not, near impossible to find the right employee. One that is on time, does a good job, can think on their feet and stays with the company for a long term.
Finding employees can be difficult if you don’t know where to look. You may think posting the job opening on your website is enough, but you need to know while that’s a good start, if you don’t promote it, people won’t come. You need to use other methods in order to reach success.
We all know that having the right tool for the job is important. Having the right employee is even more important!
Have you ever hired someone who interviewed well, but didn’t have the basic skills to do the job?
Finding a person to do landscape maintenance can even be harder. They need to know their job and how to take of your commercial property without the need for you to train them.
There are so many factors involved in finding the right staff member. Are their qualifications legitimate? How committed are they to the role? The key to choosing the right one lies not only in their skills and capabilities, but also in understanding their motivations regarding the role you’re offering.
Before you go through the process of interviewing those who made it through the phone screening, reiterate why your property needs the applicant in the first place, and ensure your questions address your landscaping needs.
At Greens Keeper Landscape we want you to know how to take care of your property. If you don’t want the headache of landscape maintenance or hiring your own staff we take care of your commercial property landscape for you.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Finding employees can be difficult if you don’t know where to look. You may think posting the job opening on your website is enough, but you need to know while that’s a good start, if you don’t promote it, people won’t come. You need to use other methods in order to reach success.
We all know that having the right tool for the job is important. Having the right employee is even more important!
Have you ever hired someone who interviewed well, but didn’t have the basic skills to do the job?
Finding a person to do landscape maintenance can even be harder. They need to know their job and how to take of your commercial property without the need for you to train them.
There are so many factors involved in finding the right staff member. Are their qualifications legitimate? How committed are they to the role? The key to choosing the right one lies not only in their skills and capabilities, but also in understanding their motivations regarding the role you’re offering.
Before you go through the process of interviewing those who made it through the phone screening, reiterate why your property needs the applicant in the first place, and ensure your questions address your landscaping needs.
At Greens Keeper Landscape we want you to know how to take care of your property. If you don’t want the headache of landscape maintenance or hiring your own staff we take care of your commercial property landscape for you.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Storm Damage Clean-up… Who Do You Call?
You know it is summer in Arizona when the monsoon storms roll through the valley. Lightening and high winds caused property damage and reduce trees and landscaping to rubble.
If you are looking for help in your clean up efforts give Greens Keeper a call at 623-848-8277
You want to get your property damage corrected as soon as possible. This goes well beyond just the aesthetics of how the property looks. You want to make sure your property is safe. You want to make sure that debris doesn’t cause even more damage and flooding on and beyond your property.
We offer more than just the look of the landscape of properties. We offer clean-up and haul-away services that can get the storm damage restoration underway as soon as possible.
Our crews will arrive on site and begin working to minimize your properties' damage.
We have more than fifteen years of experience in helping business owners recover from unexpected events, storm and water damage.
We will work directly for you or with your insurance company, you decide.
While removal of fallen trees is many times the most visible part of storm damage, there are others. Water run-off can be damaging as well.
Our process involves Immediate assessment of your property to identify hazardous areas and help minimize additional damage that the erosion or blockages can cause to landscaping. Controlling run-off and erosion can also be mandated by local regulations.
This means that if you have things we think could be a liability on your property related to the landscape, we will communicate with you.
Following our next valley storm think of Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance for your repairs and property restoration. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 to see how we can help you.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
If you are looking for help in your clean up efforts give Greens Keeper a call at 623-848-8277
You want to get your property damage corrected as soon as possible. This goes well beyond just the aesthetics of how the property looks. You want to make sure your property is safe. You want to make sure that debris doesn’t cause even more damage and flooding on and beyond your property.
We offer more than just the look of the landscape of properties. We offer clean-up and haul-away services that can get the storm damage restoration underway as soon as possible.
Our crews will arrive on site and begin working to minimize your properties' damage.
We have more than fifteen years of experience in helping business owners recover from unexpected events, storm and water damage.
We will work directly for you or with your insurance company, you decide.
While removal of fallen trees is many times the most visible part of storm damage, there are others. Water run-off can be damaging as well.
Our process involves Immediate assessment of your property to identify hazardous areas and help minimize additional damage that the erosion or blockages can cause to landscaping. Controlling run-off and erosion can also be mandated by local regulations.
This means that if you have things we think could be a liability on your property related to the landscape, we will communicate with you.
Following our next valley storm think of Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance for your repairs and property restoration. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 to see how we can help you.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Landscaping Considerations Around Swimming Pools
While living in the southwestern desert climate offers a wider variety of plant choices than many areas, those faced with the job of landscaping near a swimming pool still have the basic considerations pool owners in any region must confront.
Before sending workers on an impulsive trip to a nursery or home center for whatever strikes their fancy, have them do some research.
If they choose fruit or flower-bearing trees and shrubs they may be beauties, but they will make a big mess when their leaves, needles, fruits, flowers, nuts or catkins fall in and around your pool or spa areas. Fruit and flowers trees, shrubs and bushes can lead to a lot of extra work for your pool cleaner.
Desert plants, cacti and beautiful roses bushes have needles and thorns, as do colorful bougainvillea, barberry, pyracantha and luscious blackberry bushes. Can you imagine a resident, their child or a visitor accidentally falling into a rose bush or type of cacti?
Over the years, trees and plants with invasive roots can damage the pool’s structure, its surrounding area, and its plumbing system. This list includes ficus, elm and oak trees.
While the whole bee / hummingbird / ecosystem thing can be an amazing when it is happening in the garden and common area, you don’t want any pollinators mistaking your pool guests for an enticing honeysuckle or bottlebrush. Other bee-lovin' plants include Wisteria, Sweet Clovers, Delphinium, Larkspur, Queen Anne's Lace, Cosmos and many Salvias. Keep these far away from your pools or hot-tube/spa areas.
Nearby nurseries or botanical gardens usually feature plants that are indigenous to your area or will adapt well to our climate. You may be tempted by the idyllic images and order an exotic banana tree off some website, but you might be wasting your dollars if it’s not suitable for your neck of the woods. If in doubt, consult regional charts or your local nursery.
Low-maintenance plants mean less work for your staff. The landscaping near your pool should enhance its surroundings and often sets a mood, like an island or oasis. You don’t want to be spending the bulk of your maintenance budget trimming and fertilizing the poolscaping, especially if it’s hard to access. Keep it simple. With the right plant selections, you can relax when thinking about the swimming pools and enjoy the scenery.
At Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance we have an even better idea, let us to the work and worrying about your landscape needs.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Before sending workers on an impulsive trip to a nursery or home center for whatever strikes their fancy, have them do some research.
If they choose fruit or flower-bearing trees and shrubs they may be beauties, but they will make a big mess when their leaves, needles, fruits, flowers, nuts or catkins fall in and around your pool or spa areas. Fruit and flowers trees, shrubs and bushes can lead to a lot of extra work for your pool cleaner.
Desert plants, cacti and beautiful roses bushes have needles and thorns, as do colorful bougainvillea, barberry, pyracantha and luscious blackberry bushes. Can you imagine a resident, their child or a visitor accidentally falling into a rose bush or type of cacti?
Over the years, trees and plants with invasive roots can damage the pool’s structure, its surrounding area, and its plumbing system. This list includes ficus, elm and oak trees.
While the whole bee / hummingbird / ecosystem thing can be an amazing when it is happening in the garden and common area, you don’t want any pollinators mistaking your pool guests for an enticing honeysuckle or bottlebrush. Other bee-lovin' plants include Wisteria, Sweet Clovers, Delphinium, Larkspur, Queen Anne's Lace, Cosmos and many Salvias. Keep these far away from your pools or hot-tube/spa areas.
Nearby nurseries or botanical gardens usually feature plants that are indigenous to your area or will adapt well to our climate. You may be tempted by the idyllic images and order an exotic banana tree off some website, but you might be wasting your dollars if it’s not suitable for your neck of the woods. If in doubt, consult regional charts or your local nursery.
Low-maintenance plants mean less work for your staff. The landscaping near your pool should enhance its surroundings and often sets a mood, like an island or oasis. You don’t want to be spending the bulk of your maintenance budget trimming and fertilizing the poolscaping, especially if it’s hard to access. Keep it simple. With the right plant selections, you can relax when thinking about the swimming pools and enjoy the scenery.
At Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance we have an even better idea, let us to the work and worrying about your landscape needs.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Monday, August 13, 2012
Landscape Safety: Who Is Responsible?
As a property manager you need to understand the risks associated with hiring individuals versus a company to do your landscape maintenance.
If the person works directly for you, who is responsible for the safety training and supplying of safety gear. How does the safety gear change in relation to the jobs they are asked to perform?
Does workman’s compensation pay if the training or safety gear is not what was required?
Landscaping is a dangerous profession. Heat stress, power tools, sharp implements, and repetitive work can all lead to painful and sometimes debilitating workplace injuries.
In the landscaping industry, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is always better to try and prevent an injury before it occurs, according to Denver-based Eley Law Firm, which specializes in worker’s compensation.
The law firm recently released the following safety tips for landscapers:
• While at work, landscapers should always wear high-visibility colors. In addition, long pants, sturdy shoes, gloves, and ear and eye protection are a must for any landscaper. Dress for the weather and avoid any loose clothing or jewelry that could get caught in equipment.
• Keep tools sharp: A dull blade is far more dangerous than a sharp one because the user has to exert a lot more force to get the job done. Keeping hand tools in good working order can also help protect landscapers from repetitive-stress injuries.
• Know your machine: A lot of power tools, like tillers, blowers, mowers, and trenchers, can cause severe injuries if they malfunction or are used incorrectly. Workers are required to read the safety manual before using a new tool for the first time.
• Be careful with repairs: Before attempting to fix or clear a jam from a power tool or mower, make sure that the power supply is turned off and all the blades have stopped moving. Too many landscapers experience tragic amputations from the spinning blades in lawnmowers and other tools.
At Greens Keeper Landscape we want you to know how to take care of your property and protect yourself at the same time. If you don’t want the headache of landscape maintenance we take care of your landscape for you.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
If the person works directly for you, who is responsible for the safety training and supplying of safety gear. How does the safety gear change in relation to the jobs they are asked to perform?
Does workman’s compensation pay if the training or safety gear is not what was required?
Landscaping is a dangerous profession. Heat stress, power tools, sharp implements, and repetitive work can all lead to painful and sometimes debilitating workplace injuries.
In the landscaping industry, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is always better to try and prevent an injury before it occurs, according to Denver-based Eley Law Firm, which specializes in worker’s compensation.
The law firm recently released the following safety tips for landscapers:
• While at work, landscapers should always wear high-visibility colors. In addition, long pants, sturdy shoes, gloves, and ear and eye protection are a must for any landscaper. Dress for the weather and avoid any loose clothing or jewelry that could get caught in equipment.
• Keep tools sharp: A dull blade is far more dangerous than a sharp one because the user has to exert a lot more force to get the job done. Keeping hand tools in good working order can also help protect landscapers from repetitive-stress injuries.
• Know your machine: A lot of power tools, like tillers, blowers, mowers, and trenchers, can cause severe injuries if they malfunction or are used incorrectly. Workers are required to read the safety manual before using a new tool for the first time.
• Be careful with repairs: Before attempting to fix or clear a jam from a power tool or mower, make sure that the power supply is turned off and all the blades have stopped moving. Too many landscapers experience tragic amputations from the spinning blades in lawnmowers and other tools.
At Greens Keeper Landscape we want you to know how to take care of your property and protect yourself at the same time. If you don’t want the headache of landscape maintenance we take care of your landscape for you.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Friday, August 10, 2012
Why Choose Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance For Your Property?
We are a service oriented family owned business specializing in commercial landscape maintenance.
While our normal hours of operations are from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM we offer 24/7 service and Storm Damage Clean-up as needed by our customers.
We keep our overhead low and pass the savings on to our customers. We provide high quality service and pride ourselves on our open communication practices.
Our hourly rate is $26 per hour. Our special project rate, including sprinkler repairs, is $30. We offer convenient payment terms of 2/10 net 30.
All of our vehicles are clearly marked and all of our employees are in uniform for easy identification. Many of the small unexpected things that other companies charge for, we include.
If there are minor sprinkler repairs that are needed, most of them are also included (no charge). We accomplish this by providing an allowance for sprinkler heads, drip emitters, shrub heads, and repairs to lateral lines and drip lines. The only sprinkler issues that we would have to charge for would be main line repairs, valves & timers. And we always get these pre approved by our customers.
Unlike other companies we don't mark-up inventory, whenever possible. Another one of our popular services is safety and visibility trimming at no extra charge. This means that if you have things we think could be a liability on your property related to the landscape, we will communicate with you and work together to resolve these issues before they cause an accident or damage vehicles or buildings. If there is vegetation blocking the view of signs or safe passage in and out of the parking lot, trees blocking safety lighting, we will keep those items at their smallest manageable size (no charge).
We don't charge anything for the installation of winter lawns. This means you do not pay anything for scalping and removal of summer lawn, sprinkler tune up, and top dressing where needed. And the seed is provided at the market price. We also offer a full range of tree trimming options for our customers including emergency storm damage clean up and tree removal. Lawn fertilizer is done quarterly for the price of fertilizer only.
We will strive to keep your landscape safe, clean and beautiful. At the same time keeping your costs as low as possible.
We meet or exceed the highest insurance standards, with $2,000,000 business liability, $1,000,000 commercial auto, and $1,000,000 workman's comp. And we can list you (the customer) as additional insured at no extra charge.
We can Help! Please contact us at; Sales: 623-848-8277 We serve the entire Phoenix Metro Area.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
While our normal hours of operations are from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM we offer 24/7 service and Storm Damage Clean-up as needed by our customers.
We keep our overhead low and pass the savings on to our customers. We provide high quality service and pride ourselves on our open communication practices.
Our hourly rate is $26 per hour. Our special project rate, including sprinkler repairs, is $30. We offer convenient payment terms of 2/10 net 30.
All of our vehicles are clearly marked and all of our employees are in uniform for easy identification. Many of the small unexpected things that other companies charge for, we include.
If there are minor sprinkler repairs that are needed, most of them are also included (no charge). We accomplish this by providing an allowance for sprinkler heads, drip emitters, shrub heads, and repairs to lateral lines and drip lines. The only sprinkler issues that we would have to charge for would be main line repairs, valves & timers. And we always get these pre approved by our customers.
Unlike other companies we don't mark-up inventory, whenever possible. Another one of our popular services is safety and visibility trimming at no extra charge. This means that if you have things we think could be a liability on your property related to the landscape, we will communicate with you and work together to resolve these issues before they cause an accident or damage vehicles or buildings. If there is vegetation blocking the view of signs or safe passage in and out of the parking lot, trees blocking safety lighting, we will keep those items at their smallest manageable size (no charge).
We don't charge anything for the installation of winter lawns. This means you do not pay anything for scalping and removal of summer lawn, sprinkler tune up, and top dressing where needed. And the seed is provided at the market price. We also offer a full range of tree trimming options for our customers including emergency storm damage clean up and tree removal. Lawn fertilizer is done quarterly for the price of fertilizer only.
We will strive to keep your landscape safe, clean and beautiful. At the same time keeping your costs as low as possible.
We meet or exceed the highest insurance standards, with $2,000,000 business liability, $1,000,000 commercial auto, and $1,000,000 workman's comp. And we can list you (the customer) as additional insured at no extra charge.
We can Help! Please contact us at; Sales: 623-848-8277 We serve the entire Phoenix Metro Area.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Commercial Landscape Care
If you are a Phoenix commercial property manager and you do a search on Google using the keywords “Commercial Landscape Care” you will find Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance in third place in the organic (not purchased ads) search results.
We sure hope if you are looking for help with your landscape maintenance needs you will take the time to give us a call at 623-484-8277.
If you do the same keyword search “Commercial Landscape Care” in the Microsoft Bing search engine you will find us coming up in the very first place.
If, on the other hand, you use Yahoo to do your Internet searches you will find that Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance comes up fist place in their organic search results when you do a keyword phrase search for “Commercial Landscape Care”.
Why do we take your time up by telling you how we do in organic Internet searches? We work hard to do well in the search engines so that you will find us, so we can have a chance to show you that we work even harder on your commercial property. To save you money and make your property look its very best.
Just in case you are wondering we are in third place in the organic search (not ads) results on aol.com, ask.com and excite.com. At Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance we want the opportunity to work on your commercial property landscape. We are as close as your phone.
We don’t spend your money buying ads. Your money is spent on your landscaping maintenance.
Let Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance do all the work for you and take the burden off your shoulders all together. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 and let’s talk about it.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
We sure hope if you are looking for help with your landscape maintenance needs you will take the time to give us a call at 623-484-8277.
If you do the same keyword search “Commercial Landscape Care” in the Microsoft Bing search engine you will find us coming up in the very first place.
If, on the other hand, you use Yahoo to do your Internet searches you will find that Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance comes up fist place in their organic search results when you do a keyword phrase search for “Commercial Landscape Care”.
Why do we take your time up by telling you how we do in organic Internet searches? We work hard to do well in the search engines so that you will find us, so we can have a chance to show you that we work even harder on your commercial property. To save you money and make your property look its very best.
Just in case you are wondering we are in third place in the organic search (not ads) results on aol.com, ask.com and excite.com. At Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance we want the opportunity to work on your commercial property landscape. We are as close as your phone.
We don’t spend your money buying ads. Your money is spent on your landscaping maintenance.
Let Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance do all the work for you and take the burden off your shoulders all together. Give us a call at 623-848-8277 and let’s talk about it.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Lawn Stress from Extreme Heat
“Scorched earth” normally describes a military battle plan, but these days the term could just as easily apply to some of the commercial property lawns in and around the Phoenix metro area.
Extreme heat and lack of rain are not only defeating Arizona lawns, they’re killing them off if the owners and manager are not making sure they get enough water.
There’s no relief in sight. The outlook for the next two weeks says we’ll see the same red-hot, bone-dry conditions the region is now experiencing, and longer-term forecasts say the weather in the Arizona desert could be “hot to very hot” through mid-August. With temps running 110 plus for days on end the green grass on your property is in real danger without proper watering.
So what should you be doing about watering your lawns? Throughout the city, many lawns are obviously stressed by the heat. Those not regularly watered have gone into dormancy, and some, the experts say, may already be damaged so badly they’ll have to be replanted.
“Get some water on your lawn,” say the turfgrass experts. Keep in mind that sodded lawns never seem to have quite the hardiness lawns grown from seed achieve. But proper watering is the keep to having your lawn survive this summer’s record heat.
At Greens Keeper Landscape we want you to know how to take care of your property. If you don’t want the headache of landscape maintenance we take care of your landscape for you.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Extreme heat and lack of rain are not only defeating Arizona lawns, they’re killing them off if the owners and manager are not making sure they get enough water.
There’s no relief in sight. The outlook for the next two weeks says we’ll see the same red-hot, bone-dry conditions the region is now experiencing, and longer-term forecasts say the weather in the Arizona desert could be “hot to very hot” through mid-August. With temps running 110 plus for days on end the green grass on your property is in real danger without proper watering.
So what should you be doing about watering your lawns? Throughout the city, many lawns are obviously stressed by the heat. Those not regularly watered have gone into dormancy, and some, the experts say, may already be damaged so badly they’ll have to be replanted.
“Get some water on your lawn,” say the turfgrass experts. Keep in mind that sodded lawns never seem to have quite the hardiness lawns grown from seed achieve. But proper watering is the keep to having your lawn survive this summer’s record heat.
At Greens Keeper Landscape we want you to know how to take care of your property. If you don’t want the headache of landscape maintenance we take care of your landscape for you.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Water Features Enhance Your Commercial Property
Enhanced landscaping improves commercial property value, and water features make your property stand out from the rest. A waterfall in the front of your property makes a very nice inviting theme. It also provides curb appeal, more on property water features increases the value and makes rentals more likely.
The sight and sound of a water feature will mitigate noise from traffic or surrounding area. In addition, water features provide an interesting backdrop for entertaining while adding aesthetic appeal to your landscape.
Waterfront property is a prized commodity and you can easily incorporate water into your outdoor living spaces without having to support a lake.
You can add a meandering stream than runs though out your property even if it needs to be done with hidden pumps and breaks in the flow that are hidden by rocks and bridges.
Large and small fountains can become focal points that become icons for your property or even the basis for the name that is easy to remember and quickly recall.
Water features provide soothing sights and sounds that help your tenants relax and de-stress in today’s busy world. They can lower blood pressure and improve physical and mental health as they prop their feet up and enjoy the therapeutic effects of Mother Nature.
You can also use water features to lower the air temperature of areas that will become an oasis for lounging, swimming or cook-outs.
So consider fountains, waterfalls, streams, small ponds and the power of water features as part of your commercial properties’ normal landscaping.
It doesn’t matter to Greens Keeper Landscaping whether you have lush lawns with water features, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
The sight and sound of a water feature will mitigate noise from traffic or surrounding area. In addition, water features provide an interesting backdrop for entertaining while adding aesthetic appeal to your landscape.
Waterfront property is a prized commodity and you can easily incorporate water into your outdoor living spaces without having to support a lake.
You can add a meandering stream than runs though out your property even if it needs to be done with hidden pumps and breaks in the flow that are hidden by rocks and bridges.
Large and small fountains can become focal points that become icons for your property or even the basis for the name that is easy to remember and quickly recall.
Water features provide soothing sights and sounds that help your tenants relax and de-stress in today’s busy world. They can lower blood pressure and improve physical and mental health as they prop their feet up and enjoy the therapeutic effects of Mother Nature.
You can also use water features to lower the air temperature of areas that will become an oasis for lounging, swimming or cook-outs.
So consider fountains, waterfalls, streams, small ponds and the power of water features as part of your commercial properties’ normal landscaping.
It doesn’t matter to Greens Keeper Landscaping whether you have lush lawns with water features, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Monday, August 6, 2012
Draw Attention and Decorate with Plantings
Plants can be used to make your commercial property a real standout. You can creatively decorate your property with different kinds and styles of plants and planters.
A recent style that caught our eye here at Greens Keeper Commercial Landscaping was a wall planter done by the Home Depot, they call it a hanging garden.
Here are their instructions for doing one yourself. Vertical gardens are all the rage this year—from the creative use of shoe organizers as planters to our simple space-saving herb garden, propped up on lattice and great for the apartment dweller. The team at The Home Depot has put together a stunning vertical garden project that is perfect for the crafty DIYer who wants to create an outdoor showpiece that will get people talking. It’s a vertical garden that’s essentially a hanging flower box.
This project is broken down into four parts:
Assembling the bed
Adding a French cleat to the back for hanging
Assembling the frame
Creating an irrigation system and planting a wonderful, colorful garden
The final planted bed will need to settle for two to three weeks before hanging it upright, so plan accordingly for the party you’ll have to show off this unusual and beautiful vertical flower box.
Be prepared for some handiwork with this living hanging flower bed. Get an idea of the materials you’ll need and steps you’ll take in this Vertical Garden video, then print out these detailed instructions, including a list of items needed, before you head into your local Home Depot store.
The direct link to their web page is:
At Greens Keeper Landscape we want you to know how to beautify and enhance your commercial property. If you don’t want the headache of landscape maintenance we take care of your landscape for you.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
A recent style that caught our eye here at Greens Keeper Commercial Landscaping was a wall planter done by the Home Depot, they call it a hanging garden.
Here are their instructions for doing one yourself. Vertical gardens are all the rage this year—from the creative use of shoe organizers as planters to our simple space-saving herb garden, propped up on lattice and great for the apartment dweller. The team at The Home Depot has put together a stunning vertical garden project that is perfect for the crafty DIYer who wants to create an outdoor showpiece that will get people talking. It’s a vertical garden that’s essentially a hanging flower box.
This project is broken down into four parts:
Assembling the bed
Adding a French cleat to the back for hanging
Assembling the frame
Creating an irrigation system and planting a wonderful, colorful garden
The final planted bed will need to settle for two to three weeks before hanging it upright, so plan accordingly for the party you’ll have to show off this unusual and beautiful vertical flower box.
Be prepared for some handiwork with this living hanging flower bed. Get an idea of the materials you’ll need and steps you’ll take in this Vertical Garden video, then print out these detailed instructions, including a list of items needed, before you head into your local Home Depot store.
The direct link to their web page is:
At Greens Keeper Landscape we want you to know how to beautify and enhance your commercial property. If you don’t want the headache of landscape maintenance we take care of your landscape for you.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you want lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Friday, August 3, 2012
Why Choose Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance For Your Property?
We are a service oriented family owned business specializing in commercial landscape maintenance.
While our normal hours of operations are from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM we offer 24/7 service and Storm Damage Clean-up as needed by our customers.
We keep our overhead low and pass the savings on to our customers. We provide high quality service and pride ourselves on our open communication practices.
Our hourly rate is $26 per hour. Our special project rate, including sprinkler repairs, is $30. We offer convenient payment terms of 2/10 net 30.
All of our vehicles are clearly marked and all of our employees are in uniform for easy identification. Many of the small unexpected things that other companies charge for, we include.
If there are minor sprinkler repairs that are needed, most of them are also included (no charge). We accomplish this by providing an allowance for sprinkler heads, drip emitters, shrub heads, and repairs to lateral lines and drip lines. The only sprinkler issues that we would have to charge for would be main line repairs, valves & timers. And we always get these pre approved by our customers.
Unlike other companies we don't mark-up inventory, whenever possible. Another one of our popular services is safety and visibility trimming at no extra charge. This means that if you have things we think could be a liability on your property related to the landscape, we will communicate with you and work together to resolve these issues before they cause an accident or damage vehicles or buildings. If there is vegetation blocking the view of signs or safe passage in and out of the parking lot, trees blocking safety lighting, we will keep those items at their smallest manageable size (no charge).
We don't charge anything for the installation of winter lawns. This means you do not pay anything for scalping and removal of summer lawn, sprinkler tune up, and top dressing where needed. And the seed is provided at the market price. We also offer a full range of tree trimming options for our customers including emergency storm damage clean up and tree removal. Lawn fertilizer is done quarterly for the price of fertilizer only.
We will strive to keep your landscape safe, clean and beautiful. At the same time keeping your costs as low as possible.
We meet or exceed the highest insurance standards, with $2,000,000 business liability, $1,000,000 commercial auto, and $1,000,000 workman's comp. And we can list you (the customer) as additional insured at no extra charge.
We can Help! Please contact us at; Sales: 623-848-8277 We serve the entire Phoenix Metro Area.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
While our normal hours of operations are from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM we offer 24/7 service and Storm Damage Clean-up as needed by our customers.
We keep our overhead low and pass the savings on to our customers. We provide high quality service and pride ourselves on our open communication practices.
Our hourly rate is $26 per hour. Our special project rate, including sprinkler repairs, is $30. We offer convenient payment terms of 2/10 net 30.
All of our vehicles are clearly marked and all of our employees are in uniform for easy identification. Many of the small unexpected things that other companies charge for, we include.
If there are minor sprinkler repairs that are needed, most of them are also included (no charge). We accomplish this by providing an allowance for sprinkler heads, drip emitters, shrub heads, and repairs to lateral lines and drip lines. The only sprinkler issues that we would have to charge for would be main line repairs, valves & timers. And we always get these pre approved by our customers.
Unlike other companies we don't mark-up inventory, whenever possible. Another one of our popular services is safety and visibility trimming at no extra charge. This means that if you have things we think could be a liability on your property related to the landscape, we will communicate with you and work together to resolve these issues before they cause an accident or damage vehicles or buildings. If there is vegetation blocking the view of signs or safe passage in and out of the parking lot, trees blocking safety lighting, we will keep those items at their smallest manageable size (no charge).
We don't charge anything for the installation of winter lawns. This means you do not pay anything for scalping and removal of summer lawn, sprinkler tune up, and top dressing where needed. And the seed is provided at the market price. We also offer a full range of tree trimming options for our customers including emergency storm damage clean up and tree removal. Lawn fertilizer is done quarterly for the price of fertilizer only.
We will strive to keep your landscape safe, clean and beautiful. At the same time keeping your costs as low as possible.
We meet or exceed the highest insurance standards, with $2,000,000 business liability, $1,000,000 commercial auto, and $1,000,000 workman's comp. And we can list you (the customer) as additional insured at no extra charge.
We can Help! Please contact us at; Sales: 623-848-8277 We serve the entire Phoenix Metro Area.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Landscaping to Prevent Flooding
The real key to prevent flooding on your commercial property is proper planning from the very beginning of the property design. Many times flooding and run-off problems aren’t discovered until well after the property is built.
In some cases everything can be fine for years. Then after a change in a local street or the building of another commercial property you suddenly find that the run-off patterns have changed and now you do have a flooding problem on your property or related to your property.
The other case is what are called unusual rain fall totals. It is not so much the total quantity of rain that falls it is the delta of time during which the rainfall occurs. While two or three inches of rain is a lot of rain fall it is not a problem if the rain occurs over several days the ground can absorb it with little flooding as a result.
When that same three inches of rain occurs in just a one hour time span you can have a full blown flash flood as a result. The force and speed of the water can lead to property damage and flooding that will catch most people of guard.
The type of rain and wind as well as the total rain fall amount versus the time it takes for the storm to pass can be difficult to control. Normal rainfall amounts that cause flooding are something that with proper planning and maintenance can be and should be controlled.
Local regulations have to be meet in terms of property run-off and parking lot peculation (the time it takes for a parking lot to have the water seep into and evaporate from that area). Your property runoff should also be controlled so that your runoff doesn’t damage surrounding municipal or private property that is adjacent to your.
If the recent rains indicated run-off and flooding that needs to be looked at and controlled we would be glad to help. Sometimes the fix can be a simple one. We would be glad to look at your property and let you know.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you have lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
In some cases everything can be fine for years. Then after a change in a local street or the building of another commercial property you suddenly find that the run-off patterns have changed and now you do have a flooding problem on your property or related to your property.
The other case is what are called unusual rain fall totals. It is not so much the total quantity of rain that falls it is the delta of time during which the rainfall occurs. While two or three inches of rain is a lot of rain fall it is not a problem if the rain occurs over several days the ground can absorb it with little flooding as a result.
When that same three inches of rain occurs in just a one hour time span you can have a full blown flash flood as a result. The force and speed of the water can lead to property damage and flooding that will catch most people of guard.
The type of rain and wind as well as the total rain fall amount versus the time it takes for the storm to pass can be difficult to control. Normal rainfall amounts that cause flooding are something that with proper planning and maintenance can be and should be controlled.
Local regulations have to be meet in terms of property run-off and parking lot peculation (the time it takes for a parking lot to have the water seep into and evaporate from that area). Your property runoff should also be controlled so that your runoff doesn’t damage surrounding municipal or private property that is adjacent to your.
If the recent rains indicated run-off and flooding that needs to be looked at and controlled we would be glad to help. Sometimes the fix can be a simple one. We would be glad to look at your property and let you know.
It doesn’t matter to us whether you have lush lawns, desert landscaping or some type of landscaping in between, we can help. To find out how give us a call at 623-848-8277.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Be Flood Smart in the Valley of the Sun
The Maricopa County Flood District reminds use to “Be Flood Smart, Drive Flood Smart and Think Flood Smart.” That may seem very strange to read or see in the southwestern desert area of Arizona. But, during the summer monsoon season we see several serious flash floods every summer.
Just yesterday, July 31st, 2012 the valley experienced a sudden thunderstorm that dropped one and half inches of rain in less than forty minutes in the Anthem AZ area. The resulting property damage, flooded streets and chaos of the storm caught many off guard. Our residents had just minutes of warning from the National Weather Service and many did not hear or see the warnings.
Wind gusts were reported to be in the sixty plus mile per hour range. Residents in the area of Fifty-ninth Avenue and Thunderbird Road reported funnel cloud sightings.
You may want to consider a emergency storm kit as part of what you carry in your car and keep at home or office.
A Basic Emergency Supply Kit - http://www.ready.gov/basic-disaster-supplies-kit
• Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation
• Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
• Battery-powered or hand crank radio / NOAA Weather Radio - tone alert / extra batteries for both
• Flashlight and extra batteries
• First Aid Kit
• Whistle to signal for help
• Dust mask to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place
• Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
• Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
• Manual can opener for food
• Local maps
• Cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar charger
At Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance we are ready to haul away all the storm damage that occurs to your landscape and property.
While Junk Removal can be related to storm damage, it can also be just what you need removed from your property, commercial or otherwise.
If you have anything on your property that needs repair or removal after an Arizona dust or monsoon storm please take the time to give us a call at 623-848-8277 so we can help.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
Just yesterday, July 31st, 2012 the valley experienced a sudden thunderstorm that dropped one and half inches of rain in less than forty minutes in the Anthem AZ area. The resulting property damage, flooded streets and chaos of the storm caught many off guard. Our residents had just minutes of warning from the National Weather Service and many did not hear or see the warnings.
Wind gusts were reported to be in the sixty plus mile per hour range. Residents in the area of Fifty-ninth Avenue and Thunderbird Road reported funnel cloud sightings.
You may want to consider a emergency storm kit as part of what you carry in your car and keep at home or office.
A Basic Emergency Supply Kit - http://www.ready.gov/basic-disaster-supplies-kit
• Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation
• Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
• Battery-powered or hand crank radio / NOAA Weather Radio - tone alert / extra batteries for both
• Flashlight and extra batteries
• First Aid Kit
• Whistle to signal for help
• Dust mask to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place
• Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
• Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
• Manual can opener for food
• Local maps
• Cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar charger
At Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance we are ready to haul away all the storm damage that occurs to your landscape and property.
While Junk Removal can be related to storm damage, it can also be just what you need removed from your property, commercial or otherwise.
If you have anything on your property that needs repair or removal after an Arizona dust or monsoon storm please take the time to give us a call at 623-848-8277 so we can help.
Presented by:
Greens Keeper Landscape Maintenance, LLC
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